Tuesday, March 24, 2015

130--Museum Lesson Plan Rubrics


Suitability and Relevance of Museum Theme

Performance Rating

4-Themes is engaging, stems from a museum visit and lends itself to elementary art instruction

3-Theme stems from a museum visit and lends itself to elementary art instruction

2-Theme stems from a museum visit and is partially relevant to elementary art instruction

1-Theme does not stem for a museum visit and is partially relevant to elementary art instruction



Performance Rating

4-Lesson is creative and original in design.

3-Lesson is somewhat creative and original.

2-Lesson is slightly creative and original.

1-Lesson is not creative or original; source is from internet or art education book.


Appropriate Media

Performance Rating

4-Explores media and processes in depth

3-Explores various media and processes

2-Superficial exploration of media and processes

1-Limited materials used in lesson



Performance Rating

4-Follows lesson plan form

3-Partially follows lesson plan format

2-Key aspects of lesson omitted

1-Lesson plan format ignored; most parts missing


Organization and Proofreading

Performance Rating

4-Organized and proofread

3-Organized; some errors

2-Proofreading and/or organization lacking

1-Lesson exhibits poor language skills


Developmental Appropriateness

Performance Rating

4-Concepts of materials and activities developmentally appropriate for elementary students

3-Somewhat allied to development level of elementary students

2-Not particularly appropriate for elementary students

1-Inapproppriate for elementary students


Reflects Knowledge from Reading and Class Discussions

Performance Rating 

4-Reflects knowledge from reading and discussions

3-Some reference to reading and discussions

2-Little reference to reading and discussions

1-No reference to reading or discussions


Artistic Objectives 

Performance Rating

4-Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives while stimulating creative individual responses.

3-Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives.

2-Lesson are product-oriented. Artistic objectives are unclear.

1-Lessons are not artistic.



Performance Rating 

4-Motivation is stimulating and on point.

3-Relation between motivation and objectives is not entirely clear.

2-Motivation is not well-addressed.

1-Motivation is absent.



Performance Rating

4-The use of visual material is an essential part of the lesson.

3-Some visual material is used in lesson.

2-Visual materials are poor or not relevant.

1-Visuals are absent. 



Performance Rating

4-Several questions are presented in order of increased difficulty.

3-A few questions are presented in some order.

2-One or two questions are presented arbitrarily.

1-No questions are presented.



Performance Rating

4-Closure is stimulating, clear and related to objectives.

3- Closure is not entirely relevant to objectives.

2-Closure is irrelevant to lesson.

1-Closure is not present. 


NYS Standards

Performance Rating

4-NYS Standards are indicated and accurate.

3-NYS Standards are listed but not completely accurate.

2-NYS Standards are inaccurate.

1-NYS Standards are absent. 


Assessment and Rubrics

Performance Rating

4-Assessment is authentic and specific to lesson. Rubrics are included in detail.

3-Assessment is authentic. One rubric is included.

2-Assessment is generic.

1-Assessment is absent. 


Needs of Gifted Students

Performance Rating

4-Lesson addresses how to differentiate instruction for gifted students.

3-Lesson somewat addresses how to differentiate instruction for gifted students.

2-Lesson does not sufficiently address the needs of gifted students.

1-Lesson does not address the needs of gifted students. 


Needs of Students with Special Needs

Performance Rating

4-Lesson considers how to address needs of students with special needs.

3-Lesson somewhat addresses how to differentiate instruction for students with special needs.

2-Lesson does not sufficiently address students with special needs.

1-Lesson does not address students with special needs.


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