Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Put a Secret on a Page

Sketchbook/Journal Assignment-ARTS 130
Put a Secret on a Page
Professor J. Healy

Grades: 3 and Up

To develop creative thinking and problem-solving
To explore mixed media and student choice

Materials and Tools:
Page in sketchbook
Materials and tools of your choice (markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue, etc.)

Mixed media, problem-solving

Motivation and Procedure:
If you are teaching this to students, you might open with a class discussion about secrets. How easy is it to keep a secret? If you had to hide a secret in your artwork, how might you do that? One way might be to write down your secret and put it in a sealed envelope which you glue into or hide in a collage. Or you could draw a “Hidden Picture” and put your secret somewhere in your picture or design (if you have every seen Highlights Magazine for kids, you’ll know what this is).

The idea here is to not jump in immediately just to finish this page and get it over with. Think a bit. Mull over various ideas. As you brainstorm with yourself, you will develop your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Make your page extraordinary!

Always share work and try to circle back to your vocabulary and goals.

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