Tuesday, August 29, 2017

131 Supply LIst

131 Supply List
apron or old shirt to protect clothes
1 hardbound sketchbook (9 x 12” or so)

Magazines, postcards, photos for collages
12-18 sheets, 12 x 18” medium weight drawing paper (not light or bond)
12 sheets of colored bright paper (bond, fadeless)
8-10 sheets 9 x 12” black construction paper
12 sheets 9 x 12” or larger of smooth white bristol or oak tag
shirt cardboard for collagraph plate
heavy piece of cardboard (9 x 12” or so) to mount face mask

bamboo ink pen or stick shaved to a sharp point 
assorted colors tissue paper
4B (soft) pencil; eraser
soft colored pencils such as Prismacolor for sketchbook/journal
black fine sharpie marker
glue stick
masking tape
2 small white glue bottles (one can be half-full)--not “School Glue”

small jar of India Ink
watercolor set with brush (crayola brand non-washable sets of 16 pans is best)
oil pastels (set of 16) sakura (cray pas) brand is good
scissors (fiskars are the best)
several small packages white model magic
package of plaster craft strips
6 meat trays or black plastic lean cuisine containers to use as palettes
speedball 4” printmaking brayer (soft)

one tube of water soluble printmaking ink (magenta, turquoise, orange, blue, red or green)
one tube each of water soluble white and black printmaking ink
acrylic or tempera paint-- You need the following colors: yellow, blue, red, magenta, turquoise,
black and white. Optional colors are: brown, violet, orange & green)
assorted brushes for watercolor and acrylic or tempera
glue (acid) brush
water can
container for tempera paint, such as a styrofoam egg carton

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