Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lesson Plan Assignment--271 & 272

Based on your museum visit, create a lesson plan that incorporates art that was inspired by something you saw on your trip. It might be the architecture of the building, a theme-based exhibit, a particular work of art or several works of art that you want to relate to each other. Provide me with the museum admission receipt or ticket and be sure to show or describe the work or works you are basing the lesson on. Here is the format as discussed in class last week:

Title of Lesson
Age or Grade(s)
Duration of Lesson
(in units of 45 minute art periods)
Materials and Tools (a complete list)
Vocabulary (words you will introduce if you teach this lesson)
Motivation--This is what you sow or do to "fire up" your students. It may be reproductions, images on the projector/white board, a book, a story, a demonstration, a video clip. etc.
Procedure--How you will go about teaching the lesson. Questions you might pose. Steps you need to do. Be specific.
Closure--how you will end the class. Questions you might ask.
Reflection/Follow-Up (Will you "share" the work? How will you do that? Is there another lesson idea that will build on this one that might come next? Mention it.

This assignment is due the Monday after the Easter/Passover Break, May 2. No late work will be accepted!

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