Tuesday, November 10, 2015

272--Mixed Media Mural

131 Mixed Media Mural (K- adult)
Group projects are wonderful for community-building. They also display well because they’re big.

Aims: •To create individual works to glue onto to a background
•To (possibly) integrate other curriculum into your art lesson such as science, math, social studies, etc.

Materials & Tools:
construction paper--(9 x 12 works well)
craypas or crayons
Kraft paper
tempera paint, big brushes, water cans
glue, glue brushes, glue containers
newspaper to protect floor

Have a theme in mind when you begin this project. Some themes I have done in the past have been jungle, endangered species, sea life, spring, and the rainforest. The possibilities are endless.
Motivate your students with visuals. Each student then creates at least one thing on the construction paper. (If they finish early, they can then make more with the cut scraps. Show students how to layer craypas to create beautiful effects. (I love magic white, especially). Have them explore texture, pattern and blending. Cut out the object.

Background: Overlap the pieces a little bit and glue along the edges to make the size of mural you want. Let dry completely. Next, pour paint Jackson-Pollock style onto the paper and spread with large brushes. Keep the background loose and free. Usually it will be just a few colors (Sky, clouds, grass for instance).

Glue the pieces on well. Use a newspaper or other scrap paper to cover the craypas shape while rubbing down. You can also weight down your piece with heavy books.
Overlap if you want. Make sure each student gets at least one thing represented.

Hang up in your school. I run a piece of colored masking tape along the entire top edge, around the sides and along the bottom which usually secures the mural quite well to a wall.

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